Tuesday 26 August 2014

Low Price Laser Spine Surgery India : Techniques like microscopic, endoscopic, and arthroscopic are used in these surgeries

A laser spine surgery is a minimally invasive procedure for performing laser surgeries of the spine. With these minimally invasive procedures the blood loss is minimum and the surgical incisions made are also small.

The associated pain and the recovery period is also less for such laser spine surgery. Laser spine surgeries are used to treat disorders like failed back syndrome, radiculopathy, sciatica, foraminal stenosis, arthritis and nerve entrapment syndromes.

Usually a laser spine surgery is done with local anesthesia or a mild sedation. Techniques like microscopic, endoscopic, and arthroscopic are used in these surgeries. During the procedure, a thin needle is inserted into the herniated disc under x-ray guidance. An optical fiber is inserted through the needle and laser energy is sent through the fiber, vaporizing a tiny portion of the disc nucleus. This creates a partial vacuum, which draws the herniation away from the nerve root, thereby relieving the pain. The effect usually is immediate. Patients get off the table with just a small adhesive bandage and return home for 24 hours of bed rest.

When considering undergoing spine surgery there are a few choices out there are as under:

Foraminotomy : A foraminotomy is a laser spine surgery used to relieve certain specific spinal conditions. It uses an arthroscopic approach to open the foramen without any need of general anesthesia.

Laminotomy : laminotomy uses an arthroscopic approach to opening the spinal canal for laser spine surgery. With no need for general anesthesia laser spine surgery can be performed in an outpatient surgical setting.

EndoscopicDisectomy : When Herniated disc or bulging disc material presses on a nerve root or directly on the spinal cord, laser spine surgery can be performed to remove the portion on the disc that is causing pain.

About 50 to 70% of patients get what they term as "good to excellent" relief. This compares to conventional surgery where most get 70 to 90% "good to excellent" results.

Advantages of Laser Spine Surgery:

o Minimally invasive 
o No cutting 
o No scarring 
o No general anesthesia 
o No hospital stay 
o Short recovery period 
o Costs 1/3 to 1/2 of conventional surgery

Except above India has become a global center of excellence in spine surgery including lazer spine surgery, best spine surgery hospital, innovative lazer technique, and top class medical expertise at an attractive price.

Due to all these,the cost of spine surgery in India is less and saves you 60- 75% of your hard earned money. It costs only 25% of the price quoted in America.

Most Advanced Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery in India

Our network hospitals have the most advanced spine surgery facilities. The spine surgeons here use minimally invasive and computer guided techniques in spine surgery. In a Minimally Invasive spine surgery the surgeon makes a few small incisions unlike the open surgery where a single large incision is made. Minimally Invasive spine surgery has several important benefits for the patients. If you have been advised spine surgery your first choice should be the latest minimally invasive technique developed by our world best hospitals in India. 

Most advanced Technology like Intra Operative MRI, Brain Suite and Computer Assisted Navigation System are deployed by highly trained surgeons for accurate and safe Spine Surgeries through a small incision.

Why should you choose to get Indian hospitals offer the best spinal surgery treatment in India at affordable prices. MedWorld india associated best spine surgery hospitals in India have the latest technology and infrastructure to offer the most advanced spine surgery at low cost.

  • Comprehensive management of spine disorder from birth defects to degeneration of tumor and trauma.
  • Dedicated team of International trained and vastly experienced Spine Surgeons, Rheumatologists, Neurologist, Physicians and Physiotherapist.
  • Expert evaluation of spinal problems by dedicated team of experienced spine Surgeons, Rheumatologists, Neurologist, Physicians and Physiotherapist.
  • Latest Generation Diagnostic and Imaging facilities including dynamic digital X rays, Spiral CT scanning , MRI and Electrophysiology unit all under one roof.
  • Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation by experts after the surgery help you regain functional abilities quickly helping in vastly improved overall results.

    For more information visit:          http://www.medworldindia.com        

    Please scan and email your medical reports  to us at care@medworldindia.com and we shall get you a Free Medical Opinion from India’s Best Doctors.

    Call Us : +91-9811058159
    Mail Us : care@medworldindia.com

Sunday 17 August 2014

How get an Advantage from Minimally Invasive Nucleoplasty Surgery

Minimally invasive spinal surgery of traditional open surgery to relieve chronic back pain is ideal for outpatient facilities. These disc decompression cases are usually short procedures, with handpicked, low-risk patients, strong success ratios and fewer post-op complications than open surgery. And the demand for these procedures continues to surge. But how do you make disk decompression surgery profitable? I've been performing outpatient spinal surgery for 15 years. 

Not all herniated disk patients are eligible for minimally invasive spinal surgery. The ideal candidate has:
·         No severe spinal stenosis (build-up of bone in the spinal cavity).
·         Well-maintained disc height, preferably with 30 percent or less disc collapse.

If such conservative treatments as bed rest, analgesics and physical therapy fail to relieve the problem, I do tests such as discography, MRI and CAT scans. If these tests confirm that the problem is a herniated disc and the patient meets the aforementioned criteria, he is a good candidate for outpatient surgery such as nucleoplasty. 

If you want to make a case with your payers to reimburse for spinal procedures, you can draw on the significant volume of clinical data proving the efficacy of outpatient disc surgery, which strongly suggests that these procedures can prevent the need for more expensive open procedures. Open disc surgery results in epidural scarring and also requires a much lengthier recovery period than minimally invasive spinal surgery, where the patient can be ambulatory the same day and post-op pain is minimal. 

Nucleoplasty is not appropriate for large herniations or those with extruded fragments; when surgery is required lumbar microdiscectomy or discectomy remain the preferred treatment in these cases. The majority of herniations, however, are small and contained. In over 50% of cases, clinical symptoms disappear with time, and the herniation shrinks over 8-9 months. Nucleoplasty can provide pain relief during this period. 
If the disc prolapse is mainly central (that is, directed backwards rather than to one or other side, the presenting complaint is likely to be back pain rather than leg pain. Clinical features that indicate a greater likelihood of nucleoplasty working in such instances include severe restriction of lumbar flexion (bending forwards) and reduced straight leg raising test. These tests indicate the possibility of dural irritation. The disc prolapse should be more than minor. 
If the disc prolapse directed backwards but more to one side (i.e. posterolateral) it is more likely that leg pain will be a feature. This pain may be referred in nature rather than radicular. That is, the leg pain may be diffuse rather than shooting. 
Nucleoplasty may be an appropriate treatment for patients with:
·         Radicular pain greater than back pain
·         Poor response to previous medical treatment and physiotherapy
·         MRI demonstrating disc herniation less than 6mm in size.
The procedure may not be appropriate for patients with:
  • ·         Spondylolisthesis
  • ·         Segmental instability
  • ·         Herniation  ≥6mm in size, or with extruded fragments
  • ·         Severe disc degeneration
  • ·         MRI finding of complete annular disruption
  • ·         Age >60 years
  • ·         A painful disc which has height less than 50% of that of the adjacent disc.

Some practitioners also perform discography prior to treatment. In some cases, this is intended to confirm concordant pain at each level, and rule out the involvement of other levels. In other cases, the procedure is conducted to confirm that the outer annulus has retained its integrity, and to identify patients with true internal disc disruption.


A systematic review of the efficacy of the nucleoplasty procedure for treating LBP from symptomatic, contained disc herniation found Level II-3 (reasonably strong) evidence for improvement in pain or function after a nucleoplasty procedure.
No randomised control trials investigating nucleoplasty have been published. A range of lower quality studies have assessed the efficacy of the treatment, with a majority reporting positive or “promising” results. Recently published practice guidelines for the evidence-based treatment of chronic spinal pain have concluded that there is limited evidence for the effectiveness of nucleoplasty.
For more information visit:          http://www.medworldindia.com      

Please scan and email your medical reports  to us at care@medworldindia.com and we shall get you a Free Medical Opinion from India’s Best Doctors.

Call Us : +91-9811058159
Mail Us : care@medworldindia.com

Friday 15 August 2014

Lumbar Herniated Disc Symptoms, Treatments & Surgery in India

If you have a herniated disc, your symptoms may improve without surgery. But by how much? And by when? It’s possible to wait it out, and let nature takes its course by shrinking your disc and resorbing the herniated material. This process takes about a year and may require a lot of work on your part. Compare that to a successful back surgery, which may relieve your pain soon after the procedure is done.

If symptoms continue to interfere with your daily activities after you’ve tried conservative care for 6 weeks, your doctor may suggest surgery.

In many cases, a herniated disk is related to the natural aging of your spine.
In children and young adults, disks have a high water content. As we get older, our disks begin to dry out and weaken. The disks begin to shrink and the spaces between the vertebrae get narrower. This normal aging process is called disk degeneration.

Risk Factors

In addition to the gradual wear and tear that comes with aging, other factors can increase the likelihood of a herniated disk. Knowing what puts you at risk for a herniated disk can help you prevent further problems.

Gender. Men between the ages of 30 and 50 are most likely to have a herniated disk.

Improper lifting. Using your back muscles to lift heavy objects, instead of your legs, can cause a herniated disk. Twisting while you lift can also make your back vulnerable. Lifting with your legs, not your back, may protect your spine.

Weight. Being overweight puts added stress on the disks in your lower back.

Repetitive activities that strain your spine. Many jobs are physically demanding. Some require constant lifting, pulling, bending, or twisting. Using safe lifting and movement techniques can help protect your back.

Frequent driving. Staying seated for long periods, plus the vibration from the car engine, can put pressure on your spine and disks.

Sedentary lifestyle. Regular exercise is important in preventing many medical conditions, including a herniated disk.

Smoking. It is believed that smoking lessens oxygen supply to the disk and causes more rapid degeneration.

For most people with a herniated disk, low back pain is the initial symptom. This pain may last for a few days, then improve. It is often followed by the eventual onset of leg pain, numbness, or weakness. This leg pain typically extends below the knee, and often into the foot and ankle. It is described as moving from the back or buttock down the leg into the foot.

Symptoms may be one or all of the following:
  • Back pain
  • Leg and/or foot pain (sciatica)
  • Numbness or a tingling sensation in the leg and/or foot
  • Weakness in the leg and /or foot
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control (extremely rare) This may indicate a more serious problem called cauda equina syndrome. This condition is caused by the spinal nerve roots being compressed. It requires immediate medical attention.
Not all patients will experience pain as a disk degenerates. It remains a great challenge for the doctor to determine whether a disk that is wearing out is the source of a patient's pain.

Discectomy involves removing fragments of the disc that press on and irritate the spinal nerve root. Discectomy is the most common surgery performed for a low back disc herniation. It has about an 80% to 90% success rate for relieving radicular symptomssuch as sciatica, numbness, weakness and/or pain down one leg.

Discectomies may be full operations (called “open discectomies”) or they may be minimally invasive procedures. Due to technological advances in medical/surgical techniques, devices and equipment, the trend in surgery is toward the minimally invasive. Two types of minimally invasive procedures are the microdiscectomy and percutaneous arthroscopic discectomy.
If you are deciding which kind of discectomy to have, consider the skill set of your potential surgeon. Some doctors may insist on performing an open discectomy because they haven’t been thoroughly training in the minimally invasive types. Others may specialize in one type of procedure over the other. Check your doctor’s competencies and compare them with those of other surgeons before deciding who will perform the procedure.
Spinalfusion involves removing the disc and fusing the adjacent bones together. If you have instability in your spine or you’ve already had one or more discectomies, you may need a spinal fusion. Spinal fusion may require that hardware, such as plates and screws, be installed. It may also involve a bone graft. Doctors only rarely perform spinal fusions with microdiscectomies.
Surgery for herniated lumbar disc generally relieves leg pain with great success. It is less effective for relieving back pain, though. (Exercise often is the best way to manage back pain.) Along with leg pain relief, surgery may help stop your leg from getting weaker.
Speak with your doctor about the appropriateness of surgery for your herniated disc if you are unsure which treatment is right for you.

The results of microdiskectomy surgery are generally very good. The outcome of leg pain improvement is much more reliable than back pain and therefore this surgery is rarey performed for back pain only.

Most patients notice improvement over the first several weeks following surgery, but may also experience continued improvement over several months. Pain is typically the first symptom to improve, followed by improvement in overall strength of the leg, and then sensation. It is common for some patients to state that although pain symptoms are better, they still have a numb spot on their leg or foot.

Most patients will slowly resume normal daily activities over the first several weeks following surgery.

Over the last several years, there has been extensive research on lumbar disk surgery and patient improvement. One of the most publicized research projects in this area is the Spinal Patient Outcomes Research Trial (SPORT). The study followed patients with herniated disk from across the country. Half were treated with conservative measures, and half with surgery.

The initial outcomes for patients treated with surgery were much better than those who followed conservative treatment, including improvement in pain relief and function. At the 2-year follow-up, patients treated with surgery again showed improvements over those treated conservatively. However, over the course of the study, numerous patients did change their treatments. Your surgeon will be best able to explain what the actual study results are with any recommended approach for you.

For more information visit:          http://www.medworldindia.com       

Please scan and email your medical reports  to us at care@medworldindia.com and we shall get you a Free Medical Opinion from India’s Best Doctors.

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Wednesday 13 August 2014

Anatomy for Spine | Spinal Surgery in India

The spinal column is one of the most vital parts of the human body, supporting our trunks and making all of our movements possible. When the spine is injured and its function is impaired the consequences can be painful and even disabling.

The spine has three major components: 
• The spinal column (i.e., bones and discs) 
• Neural elements (i.e., the spinal cord and nerve roots) 
• Supporting structures (e.g., muscles and ligaments)

 The spinal column consists of: 
• Seven cervical vertebrae (C1–C7) i.e. neck 
• Twelve thoracic vertebrae (T1–T12) i.e. upper back 
• Five lumbar vertebrae (L1–L5) i.e. lower back 
• Five bones (that are joined or "fused," together in adults) to form the bony sacrum 
• And three to five bones fused together to form the coccyx or tailbone.

The lumbar vertebrae, L1-L5, are most frequently involved in back pain because these vertebrae carry the most amount of body weight and are subject to the largest forces and stresses along the spine. The true spinal cord ends at approximately the L1 level, where it divides into many different nerve roots that travel to the lower body and legs-- called the "cauda equina.”

The anatomy of the spinal column is extremely well designed to serve many functions. All of the elements of the spinal column and vertebrae serve the purpose of protecting the spinal cord, which provides communication to the brain, mobility and sensation in the body through the complex interaction of bones, ligaments and muscle structures of the back and the nerves that surround it. The back is also the powerhouse for the entire body, supporting our trunks and making all of the movements of our head, arms, and legs possible 

Intervertebral Discs
Lumbar Discs are the structures, which serve as shock absorbers between the vertebrae of the spinal column. The center of the disc, called the nucleus is soft and springy and accepts the shock of standing, walking, running, etc. The outer part, called the annulus, provides structure and strength to the disc. 

The discs receive their blood supply through movement as they soak up nutrients. The discs expand while at rest allowing them to soak up nutrient rich fluid. When this process is inhibited through repetitive movement, injury or poor posture, the discs become thinner and more prone to injury. This may be a cause of the gradual degeneration of the structure and function of the disc over time. 

Facet Joints
Joints between the bones in our spine are what allow us to bend backward and forward and twist and turn. Each vertebra has facet joints that connect it with the vertebrae above and the vertebrae below. The surfaces of the facet joints are covered with smooth cartilage that help these parts of the vertebral bodies glide smoothly on each other. 

Spinal Cord
The spinal cord is part of the central nervous system of the human body. It is a vital pathway that conducts electrical signals from the brain to the rest of the body through individual nerve fibers.

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  • Your brief Medical History along with height,weight and sex. 
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Tuesday 12 August 2014

Balloon Kyphoplasty Treatment Option for Spinal Fractures : Spine Treatment in India

If you have been diagnosed with a spinal fracture caused by osteoporosis, cancer or benign tumors, balloon kyphoplasty is a treatment option you may want to consider. Balloon kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that can significantly reduce back pain and repair the broken bone of a spinal fracture.
There are two main surgical treatments designed to repair spinal fractures (vertebral compression fractures):

  • Balloon kyphoplasty – A minimally invasive procedure that uses a balloon to lift the vertebrae and create a cavity for bone cement to stabilize the fracture
  • Vertebroplasty – A minimally invasive procedure in which liquid bone cement is injected into the affected vertebrae to stabilize the fracture and relieve pain

    What is Balloon Kyphoplasty?
·      Balloon kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive treatment that can repair spinal fractures caused by osteoporosis, cancer, or benign lesions. During the procedure, orthopedic balloons are used to gently elevate the fractured vertebra in an attempt to return it to the correct position. Bone cement is then injected to stabilize the fracture. Balloon kyphoplasty takes up to one hour per fracture level treated. It can be done on an inpatient or outpatient basis, depending on your overall state of health as determined by your physician.

How is Balloon Kyphoplasty Performed?
·         Before Your Procedure
Before the procedure, you will have a medical exam and undergo diagnostic studies, such as having x-rays taken, to determine the precise location of the fracture. You and your doctor will decide whether you should have local or general anesthesia.

·         After Your Procedure 
Patients often experience relief from spinal fracture pain one week after the procedure. Your doctor will most likely schedule a follow-up visit and explain limitations, if any, on physical activity. Most patients return to their usual activity within a few days.
How Does Balloon Kyphoplasty Compare to Non-surgical Treatment?
Balloon Kyphoplasty was shown to be more effective than non-surgical care for the treatment of acute vertebral compression fractures.
Patients treated with balloon kyphoplasty had faster and greater improvement in back pain relief, back function and quality of life at one month after surgery. The benefits of balloon kyphoplasty were sustained on average through 12 months. The overall frequency of patients with adverse events did not differ between the balloon kyphoplasty and the non-surgical groups.
What Are the Benefits of Balloon Kyphoplasty?
Relieves Pain Fast
Balloon kyphoplasty to non-surgical treatment found that people with spinal fractures treated with balloon kyphoplasty experienced the following benefits versus those treated with non-surgical management:
  • 3 times greater pain reduction one week after the procedure. Pain reduction was maintained in the long term.2
  • 4 times greater quality of life one month after the procedure. Quality of life advantage was maintained after 2 years.2
  • 5 more days out of bed in the first month and 120 more days out of bed in the first 2 years after the procedure.2
Restores Height and Corrects Stooped Posture (Kyphosis)
Compression fractures often result in height loss and stooped posture (kyphosis) due to changes in the shape of the affected vertebrae (spinal deformity). Balloon Kyphoplasty was shown to correct the spinal deformity that leads to kyphosis by restoring and normalizing vertebral height and shape.
Most Advanced Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery in India
Our network hospitals have the most advanced spine surgery facilities. The spine surgeons here use minimally invasive and computer guided techniques in spine surgery. In a Minimally Invasive spine surgery the surgeon makes a few small incisions unlike the open surgery where a single large incision is made. Minimally Invasive spine surgery has several important benefits for the patients. If you have been advised spine surgery your first choice should be the latest minimally invasive technique developed by our world best hospitals in India. Most advanced Technology like Intra Operative MRI, Brain Suite and Computer Assisted Navigation System are deployed by highly trained surgeons for accurate and safe Spine Surgeries through a small incision.
Why should you choose to get Indian hospitals offer the best spinal surgery treatment in India at affordable prices. MedWorld india associated best spine surgery hospitals in India have the latest technology and infrastructure to offer the most advanced spine surgery at low cost.
Salient features of these hospitals are:
  • Comprehensive management of spine disorder from birth defects to degeneration of tumor and trauma.
  • Dedicated team of International trained and vastly experienced Spine Surgeons, Rheumatologists, Neurologist, Physicians and Physiotherapist.
  • Expert evaluation of spinal problems by dedicated team of experienced spine Surgeons, Rheumatologists, Neurologist, Physicians and Physiotherapist.
  • Latest Generation Diagnostic and Imaging facilities including dynamic digital X rays, Spiral CT scanning , MRI and Electrophysiology unit all under one roof.
  • Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation by experts after the surgery help you regain functional abilities quickly helping in vastly improved overall results.

    For more information visit:          http://www.medworldindia.com       

    Please scan and email your medical reports  to us at care@medworldindia.com and we shall get you a Free Medical Opinion from India’s Best Doctors.

    Call Us : +91-9811058159
    Mail Us : care@medworldindia.com

Friday 8 August 2014

Types of Spinal Tumors : Spinal Tumor Removal Surgery in India

It's not clear why most spinal tumors develop. Experts suspect that defective genes play a role, although it's usually not known whether such genetic defects are inherited, occur spontaneously or are caused by something in the environment, such as exposure to certain chemicals. In some cases, however, spinal tumors are linked to known inherited syndromes, such as neurofibromatosis 2 and von Hippel-Lindau disease.
The parts of your spine that are likely to be affected by a spinal tumor include the:
  • Vertebrae. Your spine is made up of small bones (vertebrae) stacked on top of one another that enclose and protect the spinal cord and its nerve roots.
  • Spinal cord. Your spinal cord is a double-layered, long column of nerve fibers that carries messages to and from your brain. Wrapped around the entire spinal cord are three protective membranes (meninges).

Types of spinal tumors

Spinal tumors are classified according to their location in the spine.
  • Extradural (vertebral) tumors. Most tumors that affect the vertebrae have spread (metastasized) to the spine from another site in the body — often the prostate, breast, lung or kidney. Although the original (primary) cancer is usually diagnosed before back problems develop, back pain may be the first symptom of disease in people with metastatic spinal tumors.
    Cancerous tumors that begin in the bones of the spine are far less common. Among these are osteosarcomas (osteogenic sarcomas) and Ewing's sarcoma, a particularly aggressive tumor that affects young adults. Multiple myeloma is a cancerous disease of the bone marrow — the spongy inner part of the bone that makes blood cells. Noncancerous tumors, such as osteoid osteomas, osteoblastomas and hemangiomas, also can develop in the bones of the spine.
  • Intradural-extramedullary tumors. These tumors develop in the spinal cord's arachnoid membrane (meningiomas) and in the nerve roots that extend out from the spinal cord (schwannomas and neurofibromas). These tumors may be cancerous or noncancerous.
  • Intramedullary tumors. These tumors begin in the supporting cells within the spinal cord. Most are either astrocytomas or ependymomas. Intramedullary tumors can be either noncancerous or cancerous. In rare cases, tumors from other parts of the body can metastasize to the spinal cord itself.

    Minimally Invasive Spinal Tumor Removal Surgery

    in India

    Some Spinal Tumors
    , benign or malignant, require surgical intervention before or after non-operative treatments. When pain is unresponsive to non-operative treatment, neurologic deficit progresses, a specimen is needed, neural elements (e.g. nerves) are compressed, vertebral destruction exists, or when spinal stabilization is necessary - surgery is considered. The primary goals in surgery are to reduce pain caused by the spinal tumor, restore or preserve neurologic function, and provide spinal stability. The spinal tumor may be approached surgically from the front (anterior) or back (posterior) of the body.
    Surgery may include tumor resection (partial removal) or excision (complete removal). When the tumor is removed (partially or completed) pain and neurologic problems may clear up. Spinal instrumentation and Fusion are procedures used to reconstruct and stabilize the spine. These procedures join and solidify the level (or levels) where a spinal element (e.g. vertebral body) has been damaged or removed.

    Why surgery for Spine Tumor Removal?

  • o    When the tumor is removed (partially or completely) pain and neurologic problems may clear up.
    o    To restore and preserve neurological function and provide spinal stability.
    o    Spinal Tumor surgery is generally indicated in case there is a localized tumor which can be removed with minimum damage to nerve and spinal cord,
    o    There is persistent neurological deficit and pain which is unresponsive to non operative treatment
    o    Surgery may include resection (partial removal) or excision (complete removal) of tumor.

    For more information visit:          http://www.medworldindia.com        

    Please scan and email your medical reports  to us at care@medworldindia.com and we shall get you a Free Medical Opinion from India’s Best Doctors.

    Call Us : +91-9811058159
    Mail Us : care@medworldindia.com

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