Monday 27 April 2015

Minimally invasive Surgery (MIS) and spinal fusion (mending the spine bones together)

Using innovative technology, a minimally invasive surgery (MIS) spinal fusion (mending the

spine bones together) can now be accomplished using two small poke-hole incisions with

minimal tissue dissection resulting in a faster recovery. Using the MIS procedure, Posterior

lumbar fusions (PLF) and transforaminal lumbar interbody fusions (TLIF) can both be

performed in less time, with less tissue damage, and less pain than traditional open spinal

fusion surgery.

Posterior Lumbar Fusion (PLF) is the general term used to describe the technique of

surgically mending two (or more) lumbar spine bones together along the sides of the bone.

Bone graft is placed along side the spine bones (not in between the disc spaces, which is

called an interbody fusion), and ultimately fuses together. Minimally invasive PLF is

generally always performed in conjunction with instrumentation (use of metal screws/rods)

so as to impart immediate stability while the bone mends and to increase the fusion rate

(percentage of patients where the bone successfully mends together). MIS TLIF includes the

PLF described above, as well as performing an interbody fusion, which means the

intervertebral disc is removed and replaced with a bone spacer (metal or plastic may also be

used). A MIS TLIF involves placing only one bone graft spacer in the middle of the interbody

space, without retraction of the spinal nerves.

The MIS PLF technique is often favored as the 2nd staged procedure when a multiple level

ALIF is performed, and a laminectomy is not necessary. A MIS TLIF is commonly performed

when one or two spinal levels are being fused in conjunction with a partial posterior

decompression (facetectomy and laminectomy), and interbody fusion is indicated.
MIS PLF and MIS TLIF are commonly performed for a variety of spinal conditions, such as

spondylolisthesis and degenerative disc disease, among others.

Surgical Technique

The surgery is performed utilizing general anesthesia. A breathing tube (endotracheal tube)

is placed and the patient breathes using a ventilator during the surgery. Preoperative

intravenous antibiotics are given. Patients are positioned in the prone (lying on the

stomach) position, generally using a special operating table/bed with special padding and

supports. The surgical region (low back area) is cleansed with a special cleaning solution.

Sterile drapes are placed, and the surgical team wears sterile surgical attire such as gowns

and gloves to maintain a bacteria-free environment.

A 1 inch (depending on the number of levels) poke-hole incision is made on each side of the

low back, directly over the involved spinal levels. The fascia and muscle is gently divided

using special cannulated retractors and sleeves. The pedicle screws and rods are implanted

and the facet joints are fused through the two tiny incisions under x-ray guidance. If a TLIF

is to be performed, a partial laminectomy (removal of lamina portion of bone) and complete

facetectomy is performed to allow visualization and removal of the intervertebral disc. The

intervertebral disc is then removed using special biting and grasping instruments (such as a

pituitary rongeur, kerrison rongeur, and curettes), an operating microscope, and x-ray

guidance. Special distractor instruments are used to restore the normal height of the disc, as

well as to determine the appropriate size spacer to be placed. A bone spacer (metal or plastic

spacers may also be used) is then carefully placed in the disc space.

The wound areas are usually washed out with sterile water containing antibiotics. The deep

fascial layer and subcutaneous layers are closed with one or two sutures. The skin can

usually be closed using special surgical glue, leaving a minimal scar and requiring no

The total surgery time is approximately 2 to 3 hours, depending on the number of

spinal levels involved.

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Tuesday 21 April 2015

Latest Back Pain Treatments in India

One of the safe procedures to cure Lumbar Spinal Stenosis is called MILD. If you have pain or numbness in your lower back when you are standing upright or tingling when you walk, you might be having Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. MILD is an effective treatment option which can deliver significant pain relief for patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis.
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis is a condition, where the spinal canal narrows and compresses the spinal cord nerves in the lower back. It may occur as a result of natural wear and tear due to ageing. Other factors that cause narrowing of the spinal canal are:
  • Formation of excess bone
  • Compression or bulging of discs
  • Thickening of ligament tissue etc.

Pain and numbness are the main symptoms of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. As the disease progresses, the symptoms also will increase. When other medications and therapies fail to cure the disease, the doctor will suggest for MILD procedure.
MILD is a short outpatient procedure done using a small incision. The procedure does not require anesthesia, implants or stitches. The doctor will use an imaging machine and specialized tools for the procedure. During the procedure, the doctor will remove excess ligament tissue and small pieces of bone through the small incision in the back. This will help to restore the space in the spinal canal and decreases the nerve compression. So that, the patient will get relief from pain and can restore mobility.
The patient will be able to go home on the same day of surgery itself. The doctor may suggest you to avoid strenuous physical activities. Reliable surveys have found the fact that, MILD has given significant results to about 79% of patients. MILD has proven to be a very low risk procedure. But, it can be complicated for people who have other health issues. All the people may not be apt for the procedure. Talk to your doctor in order to confirm how far the procedure is suitable for you.
Some of the other latest back pain treatments are :
  • Endoscope Assisted Discectomy
  • Ozone Arthroplasty

Endoscope Assisted Discectomy

Discectomy is the surgical procedure employed to remove herniated discs from the spinal canal. Endoscope assisted disectomy is a minimally invasive method which makes use of endoscope and small surgical tools. Herniated disc will cause compression of nerve roots and spinal cord. Fragment of the spinal disc that is putting pressure on the nerves is so removed.
Discectomy is performed under a light anesthesia. A very small incision is made in the middle of your back neck. A small metal tube is inserted into the herniated disc through this incision using x-ray fluoroscopy. This will help your surgeon to locate the herniated disc using x-rays and camera. The inserted tube acts as a passage for endoscope and surgical instruments. Then surgical tools and an endoscope with small camera will be guided through this passage. After identifying the disc, fragments that put pressure on the nerve is removed using special instruments. Camera attached with the endoscope will visualize live the damaged disc which is to be removed.
After all fragment tissues are removed, your surgeon will withdraw tools from the spine and dress the incision using bandages with utmost care.


  • Less tissue injury and scar formation
  • No need of large skin incision
  • Shorter recovery period
  • Very little blood loss

Ozone Arthroplasty

Each bone in the spine is separated by cushion like disc called intervertebal disc which acts as shock-absorbers. Any damages to this disc or its rupturing can cause protrusion of jelly like nucleus of disc outwards. This condition is called disc herniation which causes compression of nerve roots and spinal cord. It ultimately leads to lower back pain or leg pain.
Many people show no symptoms from herniated disc. To relieve symptoms of herniated disc, pain medications and muscle relaxers may be prescribed to patients. If the pain continues or persists, inflammation-suppressing steroid injections would be given.
Physical therapies like heat or ice application or electrical stimulation may be useful.
But sometimes, least number of patients may need surgery to heal their disc hernation. Protruded or bulged portion of disc shrinks over a time within a few weeks after surgery. Herniated disc would be removed during the surgery.Apart from these treatment options, a new method has been innovated called ozone arthroplasty.
Ozone artroplasty is a new practice performed by some physicians to cure herniated discs. In this procedure, ozone gas would be directly injected into the herniated disc. This injected ozone gas will fill the disc and bubbles out through protrusion. The chemical reaction of the gas with the nucleus of the disc causes the shrinking of herniated portion of disc. The pressure on the nerves become relieved. Consequently, symptoms of leg pain and lower back pain start to disappear. Recent studies reveal that it can produce long lasting results with a single ozone injection.

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Sunday 5 April 2015

Best Spine Hospitals in India | Low Cost Scoliosis Surgery in India

Our spine is an engineering marvel that supports our weight and ties our body together. The spinal column consists of a stack of small bones that range in size from 2-3 inches to 5-6 inches in diameter. When viewed from the front, the spine appears to be straight, but when looked at from the side, the normal spine has two gentle S-curves. 

Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine. In scoliosis, the spine curves to the side when viewed from the front, and each vertebra also twists on the next one in a corkscrew fashion. 

Scoliosis affects girls twice as often as it affects boys. About three to five of 1,000 people are affected. Scoliosis usually occurs in those older than 10 years, but the condition can be seen in infants. 

What causes scoliosis? 

In most cases, the cause of scoliosis is unknown (idiopathic). This type of scoliosis is described based on the age when scoliosis develops. If the person is less than 3 years old, it is called infantile idiopathic scoliosis. Scoliosis that develops between 3 and 10 years of age is called juvenile idiopathic scoliosis, and people that are over 10 years old have adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. 

Another surgery option for scoliosis is an anterior approach, which means that the surgery is conducted through the chest walls instead of entering through the patient's back. The patient lies on his or her side during the surgery. During this procedure, the surgeon makes incisions in the patient's side, deflates the lung, and removes a rib in order to reach the spine.

What are various types of scoliosis?
Functional Scoliosis
In this type of scoliosis, the spine is normal, but an abnormal curve develops because of a problem somewhere else in the body. This could be caused by one leg being shorter than the other or by muscle spasms in the back.
Neuromuscular Scoliosis
In this type of scoliosis, there is a problem when the bones of the spine are formed. Either the bones of the spine fail to form completely or they fail to separate from each other during fetal development. This type of scoliosis develops in people with other disorders, including, birth defects and muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy, or Marfan's disease. People with these conditions often develop a long C-shaped curve and have weak muscles that are unable to hold them up straight. If the curve is present at birth, it is called congenital. This type of scoliosis is often much more severe and needs more aggressive treatment than other forms of scoliosis.
Degenrative Scoliosis
Unlike the other forms of scoliosis that are found in children and teens, degenerative scoliosis occurs in older adults. It is caused by changes in the spine due to arthritis known as spondylosis. Weakening of the normal ligaments and other soft tissues of the spine combined with abnormal bone spurs can lead to an abnormal curvature of the spine. The spine can also be affected by osteoporosis, vertebral compression fractures, and disc degeneration.
What type of surgery is done for treatment of scoliosis in India?
If the curve stays below 40 degrees until the person is finished growing, it is not likely to get worse later in life. However, if the curve is greater than 40 degrees, it is likely to continue to get worse by 1-2 degrees each year for the rest of the person's life. If this is not prevented, the person could eventually be at risk for heart or lung problems. The goals of surgery for scoliosis are correcting and stabilizing the curve, reducing pain, and restoring a more normal curve and appearance to the spinal column.
There are various techniques used for scoliosis surgery. One type of surgery involves posterior spinal fusion with instrumentation and bone grafting. This surgery is performed through the patient's back while the patient lies on his or her stomach.

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Friday 3 April 2015

Most Advanced Laser therapy for spine Treatment in India

Laser therapy for spine Treatment in India Laser therapy is the use of monochromatic light emission from a low intensity laser diode (250 milliwatts or less) or an array of high intensity super luminous diodes (providing total optical power in the 1000-2000 milliwatt range). Conditions treated include musculoskeletal injuries, chronic and degenerative conditions and wounds. The light source is placed in contact with the skin allowing the photon energy to penetrate tissue, where it interacts with various intracellular biomolecules resulting in the restoration of normal cell morphology and function. This also enhances the body's natural healing processes. The following chart outlines some of the specific effects of Low Intensity Laser Therapy.  

The underlying science behind cold laser therapy is sound. Studies have shown that light of certain wavelengths can reduce pain and inflammation. Lasers can offer very focused beams of light which can be used to target specific areas, which means that in theoretical use, a low intensity laser calibrated to emit light of a specific wavele ngth could potentially be used very effectively to treat areas of inflammation on the body. However, like all medical devices, cold lasers need to be carefully evaluated for safety and efficacy.

Doctors generally recommend cold laser therapy as part of an overall pain management program. For people dealing with chronic pain, cold laser therapy is an option which could be used to reduce the pain, while people with persistent inflammations may also benefit. However, this therapy should not be undertaken without medical supervision, and it is generally not recommended as a replacement for other forms of medical treatment, such as the use of physical therapy to manage chronic pain.

Some practitioners of acupuncture have suggested that cold laser therapy could be used much like acupuncture and acupressure, with the beams of the laser targeting specific points on the body. These practitioners of alternative medicine rely on their training and experience to support their beliefs about the use of cold laser therapy. Stimulation of pressure points can be used to treat a number of conditions treatable with acupuncture. 
A number of terms are used to refer to cold laser therapy, including low power laser therapy (LPLT), low level laser therapy (LLLT), biostimulation, soft laser, and laser acupuncture. In all cases, the technique involves exposing the skin to targeted laser beams for set periods of time and at set intervals. The light in the laser is supposed to stimulate damaged cells to promote healing and a reduction in inflammation and pain. The "cold" refers not the temperature of the laser, but to the fact that the laser is of low intensity, rather than high intensity lasers, which can burn the skin. 

Our network hospitals have the most advanced spine surgery facilities. The spine surgeons here use minimally invasive and computer guided techniques in spine surgery. In a Minimally Invasive spine surgery the surgeon makes a few small incisions unlike the open surgery where a single large incision is made. 

Minimally Invasive spine surgery has several important benefits for the patients. If you have been advised spine surgery your first choice should be the latest minimally invasive technique developed by our world best hospitals in India. Most advanced Technology like Intra Operative MRI, Brain Suite and Computer Assisted Navigation System are deployed by highly trained surgeons for accurate and safe Spine Surgeries through a small incision.
Why should you choose to get Indian hospitals offer the best spinal surgery treatment in India at affordable prices. MedWorld india associated best spine surgery hospitals in India have the latest technology and infrastructure to offer the most advanced spine surgery at low cost.

Salient features of these hospitals are:

Comprehensive management of spine disorder from birth defects to degeneration of tumor and trauma.

Dedicated team of International trained and vastly experienced Spine Surgeons, Rheumatologists, Neurologist, Physicians and Physiotherapist.

Expert evaluation of spinal problems by dedicated team of experienced spine Surgeons, Rheumatologists, Neurologist, Physicians and Physiotherapist.

Latest Generation Diagnostic and Imaging facilities including dynamic digital X rays, Spiral CT scanning , MRI and Electrophysiology unit all under one roof.

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation by experts after the surgery help you regain functional abilities quickly helping in vastly improved overall results.

For more information visit: scan and email your medical reports  to us at and we shall get you a Free Medical Opinion from India’s Best Doctors.
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Thursday 2 April 2015

Discectomy and Microdiscectomy : Advantaages of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

 Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery 

The trend in spine surgery has moved toward minimally invasive procedures. More than 20 years ago a similar trend started with knee surgery. At that time if a patient had torn knee cartilage the surgical procedure required opening the knee. It took several weeks or months for the patient to recover. Now many knee surgeries are performed through small keyhole incisions using an arthroscopic tube. Similar advances continue to be made in spinal procedures. Devices are now available that use microscopic fiber optics that transmit anatomical images to a monitor similar to a television. The equipment is made with built-in magnification that enables the surgeon to view tiny structures through a portal. 
Open Surgery versus Minimally Invasive 
Spine surgical procedures are often referred to as an open procedure or minimally invasive. Open procedures require larger incisions, muscle stripping, more anesthesia, operating time, hospitalization and, the patient usually needs more time to recuperate. Minimally invasive surgical techniques utilize portals or tiny incisions made in the skin (percutaneous) through which small, specialized instruments are inserted. For example, an endoscope allows the surgeon to see an illuminated and magnified view of the operating field through a tiny incision.
Today many different types of spine surgery can be performed utilizing minimally invasive techniques. Some types of minimally invasive spine surgery use laser technology. Lasers may be used to separate or eliminate tissue. New instruments for use in minimally invasive spine surgery have been developed and continue to be refined.
Discectomy and Microdiscectomy are terms that mean the surgical removal of part or an entire intervertebral disc. The difference between these terms is that microdiscectomy uses microscopic magnification. These procedures are performed to remove a herniated or ruptured disc. The advantage to microdiscectomy is that the procedure is minimally invasive. The incision and instruments are small, which enables the patient to recover quickly.

Our network hospitals have the most advanced spine surgery facilities. The spine surgeons here use minimally invasive and computer guided techniques in spine surgery. In a Minimally Invasive spine surgery the surgeon makes a few small incisions unlike the open surgery where a single large incision is made. 

Minimally Invasive spine surgery has several important benefits for the patients. If you have been advised spine surgery your first choice should be the latest minimally invasive technique developed by our World's Best hospitals in India. Most advanced Technology like Intra Operative MRI, Brain Suite and Computer Assisted Navigation System are deployed by highly trained surgeons for accurate and safe Spine Surgeries through a small incision.

Why should you choose to get Indian hospitals offer the best spinal surgery treatment in India at 
affordable prices. MedWorld india associated best spine surgery hospitals in India have the latest 
technology and infrastructure to offer the most advanced spine surgery at low cost.
Salient features of these hospitals are:
  • »
  • Comprehensive management of spine disorder from birth defects to degeneration of tumor and trauma.
  • »
  • Dedicated team of International trained and vastly experienced Spine Surgeons, Rheumatologists, Neurologist, Physicians and Physiotherapist.
  • »
  • Expert evaluation of spinal problems by dedicated team of experienced spine Surgeons, Rheumatologists, Neurologist, Physicians and Physiotherapist.
  • »
  • Latest Generation Diagnostic and Imaging facilities including dynamic digital X rays, Spiral CT scanning , MRI and Electrophysiology unit all under one roof.
  • »
  • Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation by experts after the surgery help you regain functional abilities quickly helping in vastly improved overall results.

    For more information visit:    
    Please scan and email your medical reports  to us at and we shall get you a Free Medical Opinion from India’s Best Doctors.
    Call Us : +91-9811058159
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