Tuesday 18 February 2014

Laminotomy surgery in india at Affordable Cost - Bone Spurs, Bulging Disc, Herniated Disc, Pinched Nerve, Spinal Stenosis

If spinal stenosis is the main cause of your neck pain, then the spinal canal must be made larger and any bone spurs pressing on the nerves must be removed. One way that this is done is with a complete laminectomy (lam-in-eck-toe-mee). Laminectomy means "remove the lamina". The lamina is the back side of the spinal canal and forms the roof over the spinal cord. Removing the lamina gives more room for the nerves and lets the surgeon remove any bone spurs from around the nerves. A laminectomy reduces the pressure on the spinal cord and relieves the irritation and inflammation of the spinal nerves.
In the cervical spine, removing the lamina completely may cause problems with the stability of the facet joints between each vertebra. If the joints are damaged during the laminectomy, the spine may begin to tilt forward, causing problems later. One way that spine surgeons try to prevent this problem is to not actually remove the lamina. Instead, they simply cut one side of the lamina and fold it back slightly. The other side of the lamina opens like a hinge. This makes the spinal canal larger giving the spinal cord more room. The cut area of the lamina eventually heals to keep the spine from tilting forward.

The traditional way of treating a herniated disc is to perform a laminotomy and discectomy. The term laminotomy means "make an opening in the lamina," and the term discectomy means "remove the disc."

This procedure is performed through an incision down the center of the back over the area of the herniated disc. The muscles are moved to the side so that the surgeon can see the back of the vertebrae. X-rays may be required during surgery to make sure the correct vertebra is located. The doctor cuts a small opening through the lamina bone on the back of the spinal column. This procedure, called "laminotomy," is used to give the doctor room to see and work inside the spinal canal. View animation of laminotomy.
The nerve roots are moved out of the way. Upon locating the problem disc, the surgeon removes it, easing pressure and irritation on the nerves of the spine. Small instruments that fit inside the disc are used to remove as much of the nucleus as possible. This prevents the remaining disc material from herniating in the future. View animation of discectomy. The muscles of the back are returned to their normal position around the spine. The skin incision is repaired with sutures or metal staples.

Improvements have been made in the tools available to the spinal surgeon for performing a laminotomy and discectomy. Microdiscectomy is essentially the same as traditional discectomy, but this newer approach has several advantages. A much smaller incision is need when performing a microdiscectomy. There is less damage to nearby parts of the spine. Patients tend to recover faster.
A small incision is made in the back just above the area where the disc is herniated. Muscles are moved aside to see the vertebrae. The surgeon positions a microscope in the small incision. The remainder of the surgery is performed like the traditional method.

Endoscopic Discectomy
Many surgical procedures have been revolutionized by the use of special TV cameras. The procedure is still the same, but even smaller incisions (1/4 inch) are made to insert a special magnified TV camera into the spinal canal so that the surgeon can actually see the disc material. Through these tiny incisions, the camera and several other surgical instruments are inserted. Rather than looking through a microscope, the doctor watches the TV screen while working with specially designed instruments to remove the disc material.
Torn cartilages of the knee are now routinely removed with an arthroscope, and gallbladders are routinely removed with a laproscope. These small scopes give doctors a method of doing surgery with smaller incisions and with less risk to the nearby tissues. The same approach is evolving with spine surgery. Endoscopy of the spine is still in experimental stages and is not yet widely used. It might eventually give doctors a way to remove a disc with even less risk of injury than microdiscectomy.

A laminotomy of the spine is used to treat the following conditions:
This surgical procedure is carried out in two steps beginning with the laminotomy. Once this is accomplished, the second procedure, the micro discectomy, is performed. A high powered stereoscopic microscope is used to provide illumination and magnification to allow the nerve and surrounding structures to be visualized clearly through an incision less than one inch long. The nerve root is carefully protected with a specialized retractor, and protruding disc fragments, along with any remaining loose or degenerated disc material, are then removed with a small grasping device.

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MedWorld India offer free, no obligation assistance to international patients to find world class medical treatment in India. A large number of people from all over the world are now traveling to India for top class medical treatment like Heart Surgery, Cancer Care, Spinal fusion surgery in India, sleeve gastrectomy surgery in India, and other major surgeries. India offers an unmatched cost and quality advantages because it has world class hospitals and globally trained and experienced surgeons across every specialty. Whether you are considering cervical disk replacement surgery, brain tumor surgery in India, heart valve replacement surgery, or prostate cancer treatment in India, we offer support and services to facilitate the care you require. We can help you find the best heart hospital in India, IVF hospital in India, or best cancer hospital in India.

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MedWorld India has a team of dedicated doctors who personally attend to all your queries. We are the only facilitators that appoint a personal doctor to the patient from the time of enquiry till the time the patient fully recovers. Your personal doctor will stay in constant contact with you, your local doctor and your medical team in India throughout your stay, and will relay information back to your loved ones. From initial registration of interest, to returning the patient back to his or her home country after the procedure and recuperation, MedWorld India will ensure the whole process is as smooth and stress-free as possible for its patients. We believe that timely, affordable and quality medical treatment is every human beings right. We are dedicated to this cause and strive to deliver the benefit and pleasure of medical care to people across the globe.

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