Tuesday 8 July 2014

Who can benefit from Minimally Invasive Spinal Fusion Surgery? - Most Advanced Spine Surgery in India

A person’s spine is subjected to a lot of forces throughout its lifetime. It may be subjected to age related wear and tear or infections like tuberculosis. As a result it undergoes degeneration which gives rise to a variety of problems like spinal osteoarthritis, disc prolapse, spondylolisthesis, osteoporotic fractures, vertebral collapse etc. 

All these conditions manifest as severe pain in the back and radiating pain, numbness, tingling in the upper or lower extremities (lower leg or arm) due to compression of spinal nerves, spinal cord and spinal instability. When these symptoms become debilitating enough to preclude the patient’s day to day activity, a Spinal Fusion Surgery is advised.

The objective of this surgery is to fuse (join) to or more adjacent vertebral segments that are diseased, so that they grow as one unit and result in a more stable painless spine. The involved segment gives rise to pain due to compression of surrounding soft tissue structures and nerves. Spinal fusion also known as spondylodesis or spondylosyndesis aims at relieving this compression and restoring the surrounding soft tissue elements and nerves to their original shape and size, thereby eliminating the pain. It also provides stability to the affected segments during movement at the spine. The surgery is generally indicated for the lumbar spine as low back bears the maximum brunt, but it may be advised for cervical (neck) or thoracic (mid back) segments also.
Our spine consists of 33 small bones stacked one on top of the other. They are separated by soft cushion like structures call intervertebral discs which provide shock absorption and facilitate movements of the spine. The Vertebral column encloses the delicate spinal cord within and the spinal nerves leave the vertebral column through openings (foramen) present on the sides. When these discs degenerate, herniated or when the intervertebral distance reduces or when there are bony outgrowths (osteophytes) on the undersurface of vertebral body, they encroach into the passage for the spinal nerves or the spinal cord. This results in compression of the spinal nerves or spinal cord manifesting as severe intractable pain in the back and the lower leg or arm.  

Patients who are suffering from persistent back pain that has not been relieved by conventional mode of treatment like rest, physical therapy or medication or those suffering from any of the following chronic conditions :-

•degenerative disc disease
•spinal disc herniation
•discogenic pain
•spinal tumor
•vertebral fracture
•kyphosis (i.e, Scheuermann's disease)
•Posterior Rami Syndrome

There are three types of spinal fusion procedures which differ only in their access towards the affected spinal segment. The basic procedure remains the same in all the three techniques. They are: 
1) Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (ALIF):The affected segment is accessed through an incision in the abdomen

2) Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (PLIF): The affected segment is accessed through an
incision in the midline of the back

3) Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (TLIF): The affected segment is approached through a paraspinal ( at the side of the midline) incision in the back.The Minimally Invasive TLIF approach is the preferred method at our practice for interbody fusion as it is generally less traumatic to the spine, is safer for the nerves, and allows for quicker recovery.

Minimally invasive type of spine surgery  designed
to accomplish aspinal fusion
  • ·         Minimal tissue damage
  • ·         Minimal blood loss
  • ·         Small incisions and scars
  • ·         Minimal post-operative discomfort
  • ·         Relatively quick recovery time and return to normal function.

Because of the above factors, it is one of a number of options for spinal fusion that are relatively minimally invasive. The XLIF is a type of interbody fusion, which is a category of fusion in which the disc in the front of the spine is removed and replaced with an implant containing a bone graft to set up the condition for the two vertebrae to fuse together through the disc space.

For more information visit:          http://www.medworldindia.com      

Please scan and email your medical reports  to us at care@medworldindia.com and we shall get you a Free Medical Opinion from India’s Best Doctors.

Call Us : +91-9811058159
Mail Us : care@medworldindia.com

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